Woocommerce virtual content : sell videos, pdf texts, images

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Selection of woocommerce digital product modules

Sell virtual content  : video access, online course, elearning

Create content with wordpress : use custom type content for elearning

Create chapters : sell multiple pages / content within on product

Easy interface

Protect access : only purchasers of content can view

Fully integrated within woocommerce

There are many ways to restrict content for customers who have purchased specific products. We have tried virtuoso plugin from Code Canyon without enthusiasm because it bypasses one essential native feature of woo commerce  : downloadable products. Using woo commerce with downloadable products can give your customers access based on what product they have purchased.

We will build our premium content commerce with a specific custom post type that we call "Premium Content". This article describes how to make the content accessible only to customers who have purchased associated products.

it is necessary, if you are selling wordpress content (sell  self hosted videos with woo commerce for example), to block unauthorized access.

  • First step is to configure woo commerce to use redirections for virtual downloadable products : in woo commerce settings page, check
    Downloadable Products / File download method : redirect only
  • Second step is to configure a specific custom post type for restricted content : use the post type url in the product file download section to give access to customers.
  • Third step is to protect the custom post type entries from unauthorized access via some templating code. You have some info on this video, we will be releasing the full code and procedure soon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ury5dF3mJ9U
  • functions we are developing :
    • woocommerce_customer_can_download_or_view : checks if current page is one of customer's orders products file path(s), using get_downloadable_file_urls
    • woocommerce_get_products_allow_download  : list products that can allow viewing or downloading of this url
    • Widget  that displays all customers downloads

other useful information and tips

other subject

customer submitted product selling http://docs.wedevs.com/woocommerce-downloadable-product/

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